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ISBN 9780953478019
We chose to publish Mariana because we wanted a novel like Dusty Answer, I Capture the Castle or The Pursuit of Love, about a girl encountering life and love, which is also funny, readable and perceptive; it is a 'hot-water bottle' novel, one to curl up with on the sofa on a wet Sunday afternoon.
Monica Dickens's first book, published in 1940, could easily have been called 'Mariana – an Englishwoman'. For that is what it is: the story of a young English girl's growth towards maturity in the 1930s. We see Mary at school in Kensington and on holiday in Somerset; her attempt at drama school; her year in Paris learning dressmaking and getting engaged to the wrong man; her time as a secretary and companion; and her romance with Sam.
But it is also more than this. As Harriet Lane remarks in her Preface: 'It is Mariana's artlessness, its enthusiasm, its attention to tiny, telling domestic detail that makes it so appealing to modern readers.'
Also available as a Persephone Classic and a Persephone e-book.
The endpaper is a voile dress fabric designed in 1933 when Mary would have been 18: brightly-coloured tulips are surrounded by swirls of green, white and blue, images of freedom and happiness that evoke the simplicity and beauty of an English country garden.
Picture Caption
© Clare Leighton 1935 from Persephone Quarterly No.1
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Sunday Telegraph
Harriet Evans (writer)
The Lady
Jilly Cooper (novelist)
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Categories: Education Love Story Social Comedy Teenagers (books for)