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12 April 2019

csm_Degas_Lepic_614a4ef9e5Edgar Degas Ludovic Lepic and His Daughters c.1871. Degas managed to make this painting completely un-kitsch (always a danger with pictures of children): the father has an impressively wry look (is he trying not to look too proud?) and the two little girls don’t look easy, although totally sweet. This painting today is in honour of Fran’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Fran! She has been a crucial part of Persephone Books since it began – as has her sister Olivia (who brilliantly does our e-books). Fran made a pilot for a book show, filmed at Persephone Books … It features her, Elizabeth Day, Beth Orton and Lemn Sissay. We are hoping it will be a series – because are there any book programmes on television? Very, very few. And are they fun, interesting and filmed at Persephone Books? No!

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