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Here is a list of all Persephone's e-books: Mariana, Someone at a Distance, The Victorian Chaise-longue, The Home-maker, Good Evening, Mrs Craven, Saplings, They Knew Mr Knight, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Little Boy Lost, The Making of a Marchioness, The Far Cry, Greenery Street, Manja, The Priory, Hostages to Fortune, The Blank Wall, Miss Ranskill Comes Home, The World that was Ours, Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary, They Were Sisters, The Fortnight in September, The Expendable Man, The Shuttle, Miss Buncle's Book, High Wages, Dimanche and Other Stories, Still Missing, Miss Buncle Married, Greenbanks, The Persephone Book of Short Stories, The Exiles Return, The Two Mrs Abbotts, Wilfred and Eileen, Because of the Lockwoods, Greengates, Every Good Deed and other stories, Guard Your Daughters, Young Anne, Despised and Rejected, The Call, National Provincial, Expiation and Random Commentary.
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