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19th July 2024

In The VillageMarghanita Laski uses the decorative arts to great, clever, and sometimes comic effect and to illustrate the village’s elaborately calibrated social stratification. Retired headmistress Miss Porteous is creating a William Morris-style home by acquiring Arts and Crafts pieces (she even calls her house 'Kelmscott' after the original, above), so is taken aback to discover that ex-trade Miss Moodie lives with genuine, inherited A&C furniture. "Miss Moodie’s room was not so very different to the sort of room she had chosen for herself. The walls had been distempered a nice warm cream, the curtains at the casement windows were of that charming mock cross stitch mock Jacobean linen, and the furniture instead of being the tightly-stuffed elaborately veneered walnut most tradespeople bought consisted of what Miss Porteous immediately sized up as A Few Good Pieces – a small gate-leg table, a long rush-seated oak stool, a painted pine corner cupboard which was surely some genuine old lustre china inside".

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