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This sardonic and beautifully written novella about a family in EM Forster territory was first published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press in 1932. 'As delightful and perceptive today as it no doubt was 70 years ago: on her wedding day a girl knows she is about to make a serious mistake' (The Bookseller); 'a brilliant, bittersweet upstairs-downstairs comedy' wrote Shena Mackay in the Guardian. The author was a niece of Lytton Strachey and was well-known in Bloomsbury circles; she was the subject of Julia, a memoir in her own words by Frances Partridge, who wrote a new Preface for our edition of the book.
The Persephone audiobook of Cheerful Weather for the Wedding is 2 hours and 24 minutes in length and is read by Miriam Margolyes in a production by the The Story Circle. The beautiful piano music is a 1932 waltz by Levitzki which was especially recorded for us by Daniel Becker.
Also available as a Persephone Grey and a Persephone Classic.
Available wherever you usually get your audiobooks.