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ISBN 9781903155820
Midsummer Night in the Workhouse contains a selection of short stories mostly written in the late 1950s. Some are set in England and describe incidents from Diana Athill's girlhood; one or two describe holidays abroad; almost all are seen from the woman's point of view. 'In this terrific collection female characters are sexually adventurous, introspective and enjoy a drink or three,' wrote the Daily Mail. 'A cheating wife, back with her boring husband, is wracked with agonising love for the unavailable partner of her brief fling; a writer seeks inspiration at a writers' retreat whilst avoiding the group seducer.' First published in America in 1962, the stories, which have never been re-published before, complement both Athill's memoirs (Instead of a Letter, Stet) and letters (Instead of a Book).
Also available as a Persephone Audiobook read by the author.
A 1970s furnishing fabric which the author bought as curtains for her flat in North London.
Picture Caption
'Hiking' 1936 by James Walker Tucker (Laing Art Gallery/PCF).
Read What Readers Say
Paris Review
Matthew Sweet, 'BBC Radio 3
The Times
Katie Law, ‘Evening Standard’
Categories: Short Stories