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ISBN 9781903155363
This 1946 novel, by the author of the Worzel Gummidge books, is about a woman who goes on a cruise and is swept overboard; she lives for three years on a desert island before being rescued by a destroyer in 1943. When she returns to England it seems to her to have gone mad: she cannot buy clothes without 'coupons', her friends are only interested in 'war work', and yet she is considered uncivilised if she walks barefoot or is late for meals. The focus of Barbara Euphan Todd's satire is people behaving heroically and appallingly at one and the same time. Rosamond Lehmann considered Miss Ranskill Comes Home 'a work of great originality, and delightfully readable, a blend of fantasy, satire and romantic comedy... a very entertaining novel and less light than it seems.' This has been an especial Persephone favourite.
Also available as a Persephone eBook.
For more on Miss Ranskill Comes Home, have a look at the Persephone Perspective.
The endpaper is 'Sutherland Rose', a 1946 screen-printed cotton textured fabric designed by Graham Sutherland for Helios.
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WWII poster by Fougasse
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