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Saturday 20th April
12pm to 1pm
Join Molly Brown (Archivist at Northeastern University) and Christine Jacobson (Associate Curator of Modern Books & Manuscripts at Harvard University) in exploring women’s work inside and outside of the home in Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s 1924 novel The Home-Maker.
Molly and Christine will share their experience of leading a working-women themed roundtable and reading Canfield Fisher’s novel in community with women at Beacon Hill Books in Boston — one of the few shops in the U.S. with a dedicated Persephone Books section. The session will cover themes and passages that resonated most strongly with their inter-generational group and invite Bath attendees who’ve read the novel to share their own reactions or favorite passages.
They’ll also share material culture from North American archives and museums that help bring the setting and details of The Home-Maker to life, and invite attendees to close with an optional hands-on activity: dressing a department store window!