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Arthur Hugh Clough

Arthur Hugh Clough

Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-61)

Arthur Hugh Clough, b.1819, the son of a Liverpool cotton merchant, lived in America until he was 9. He was sent to Rugby, where Dr. Arnold had just taken over as headmaster, and later became close friends with his sons, Matthew and Tom Arnold. He was a scholar at Balliol College, Oxford, and then a fellow at Oriel College, but resigned because of religious doubts. In 1848 Clough published a long narrative poem, The Bothie of Toper-na-Vuolich, which established his reputation as a poet. Amours de Voyage was written the following year. He became the first Principal of University College Hall, London, and was later a civil servant in the Education Office. In 1854 he married Blanche Smith; her cousin was Florence Nightingale, with whom he worked closely on hospital reform. During 1861 he travelled in Europe trying to save his health, but died in Italy. Both his sister and his younger daughter became Principals of Newnham College, Cambridge.

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