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Good Evening, Mrs. Craven (audiobook)

by Mollie Panter-Downes


For fifty years Mollie Panter-Downes's name was associated with The New Yorker, for which she wrote a regular ‘Letter from London’, book reviews and over thirty short stories; of the twenty-one stories in Good Evening, Mrs Craven, written between 1939 and 1944, only two had ever been reprinted – these very English stories had, until Persephone reprinted them, not been available to English readers. Exploring most aspects of English domestic life during the war, they are about separation, sewing parties, fear, evacuees sent to the country, obsession with food and the social revolutions of wartime.

The stories are read by Lucy Scott, the length of the recording is 4 hours and 39 minutes.

Also available as a Persephone Grey, a Persephone Classic and a Persephone E-Book.

Available wherever you usually get your audiobooks.

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