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Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day is about a governess sent by an employment agency to the wrong address, where she encounters a glamorous night-club singer, Miss LaFosse.
The Guardian asked: 'Why has it taken more than half a century for this wonderful flight of humour to be rediscovered?' while the Daily Mail liked the book's message - 'that everyone, no matter how poor or prim or neglected, has a second chance to blossom in the world.' And in The Shops India Knight called Miss Pettigrew 'the sweetest grown-up book in the world'.
This wonderful novel was made into a film in 2008 starring Frances McDormand, who then kindly agreed to record the book for us in association with The Story Circle. The audiobook is just over six hours long.
Also available as a Persephone Grey, a Persephone Classic and a Persephone E-Book.
Available wherever you usually get your audiobooks.