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Shared Reading session: 'Someone at a Distance'

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The Far Cry
A Well Full of Leaves
Regular price £0.00
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Upstairs at Persephone
Wednesday 7 May
3:30pm to 5pm

This Shared Reading session about Someone at a Distance by Dorothy Whipple is free to attend but please reserve your place in advance. 

In the old days we would have called Shared Reading 'prac crit', but basically it's a different way of doing a book group where you don't need to read the book in advance. Instead, the host hands round a copy of a passage from a book then reads some of it aloud; we stop and talk about it. That's it, really. But reading the literature like this in real-time means that everyone is involved in a shared, live experience. There's no pressure to say anything but you can if you want. All in all it's a particularly welcoming, friendly sort of book group. 

We are pleased to welcome Jamie Barton from The Reader in Liverpool to lead the Shared Reading groups

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