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Sunday 21st April
10:30am to 12pm
‘You’re Booked’ Live! Presents: The Persephone Fan Club
Daisy Buchanan is the host of ‘You’re Booked’, the podcast for literary nosy parkers. She’s rifled through the shelves of hundreds of renowned authors from all over the world, and she’s discovered that her favourite writers have one thing in common. Like her, they love Persephone books. Daisy has invited three of her favourite former guests to get together for an unofficial Persephone fan club meeting and book swap. Authors Nikki May, Andrew Hunter Murray and AJ Pearce will be reading and sharing the Persephone books that have meant the most to them. You can expect an enthusiastic and spirited discussion about The Fortnight In September, Miss Pettigrew Lives for A Day, Miss Buncle’s Book and if Daisy has her way, the complete works of Dorothy Whipple.