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10 December 2019

KMhR5ODIn Britain we have two more days to fantasise that we could become a forward looking and kind country. But we are all very much prepared for the horrible reality of Friday morning – that yet again elderly, bigoted men will dominate our politics and women will be lucky to get a look in. Yes, we know that it’s only a hundred years since we were allowed the vote. But watching the disaster unfold here is deeply painful. Although, who knows, maybe the innate decency of the British people – we still believe in it – will pull us through… This is Finland’s new Prime Minister Sanna Marin, she is 34. Alas, alas this couldn’t happen in the UK.  Quick question: which are our five most political books? Answer: William – an Englishman, National Provincial, Despised and Rejected, The Call and Tory Heaven (there are fifteen in our Political books list here, this is exactly one ninth which seems a rather satisfactory proportion, not too many and not too few).

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