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27 February 2015
Of the nine paintings of camellias on the PCF site, seven are by women. This is unusual and probably coincidence as men paint flowers just as much as women. But for a feminist daily post it’s a pleasing statistic. (We are , by the way, going to be at the Women of the World Festival next weekend, with a table in the marketplace where a selection of twenty ‘curated’ books will be £9 each instead of £12. Do come and see us! We are there from 11-5 on Friday and on Saturday.) Here is Camellias by Jill Garnier (1890-1966) painted in Cornwall during the war and therefore we can imagine the artist as a Cressida figure (Cressida in A House in the Country that is). Or perhaps not – on the Penlee House site there is this remark: ‘Her life was one of constant frustration she was often heard to complain Why do I have to spend half my time doing the housekeeping when I could be painting?’ Cressida did not complain, well only inwardly. Jill Garnier sounds rather fascinating, could a Cornish Persephone reader do some more research on her maybe?
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